FEATURES••Provides Protection for Three Variables:– Input Overvoltage, with Rapid Response in< 1μs– User-Programmable Overcurrent withCurrent Limiting– Battery Overvoltage•30V Maximum Input Voltage•Supports up to 1.(5)A Input Current•Robust Against False Triggering Due toCurrent Transients•Thermal Shutdown•Enable Input•Status Indication – Fault Condition
Available in Space-Saving Small 8 Lead 2×2SON and 12 Lead 4x3 SON PackagesAPPLICATIONS•••••Mobile Phones and Smart PhonesPDAsMP3 PlayersLow-Power Handheld DevicesBluetooth Headsets
DESCRIPTIONThe bq24314 and bq24316 are highly integrated circuits designed to provide protection to Li-ion batteries fromfailures of the charging circuit. The IC continuously monitors the input voltage, the input current, and the batteryvoltage. In case of an input overvoltage condition, the IC immediay removes power from the charging circuit byturning off an internal switch. In the case of an overcurrent condition, it limits the system current at the thresholdvalue, and if the overcurrent persists, switches the pass element OFF after a blanking period. Additionally, the ICalso monitors its own die temperature and switches off if it becomes too hot. The input overcurrent threshold isuser-programmable.The IC can be controlled by a processor and also provides status information about fault conditions to the host.电池管理IC电池管理IC